
Developing Scotland's Economy: Increasing The Role Of Inclusive And Democratic Business Models

This independent report addresses the commitment in the National Strategy for Economic Transformation to "undertake and publish a review of how best to significantly increase the number of social enterprises, employee-owned businesses and co-operatives in Scotland", detailing 17 recommendations.

8. Annex B: Current Support Landscape

Sources of advice and support for SEs:

  • Social Enterprise Scotland provide advice regarding starting and funding an SE (Social Enterprise Scotland, 2023).
  • Just Enterprise a nationally managed programme delivered locally by a consortium of partners provides dedicated business support and offer one-to-one advice sessions and training for start-ups and established social enterprises (Just Enterprise, 2023).
  • Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) fosters the ambitions of our businesses including community anchor, social enterprises and other organisations, co-ops, employee ownerships and social enterprises (Highlands and Islands Enterprise, 2023). HIE use and innovate the support mechanisms available to entities and community-led organisations by offering assistance in the following areas: through a client management approach with a focus on a just transition to net zero and adoption of fair work, they provide one off interventions where impacts can be demonstrated i.e. access to advice, specialist knowledge (inc. scaling, innovation, digital, leadership skills etc.) and networking. HIE aligns its activity and deploys tailored discretionary resources to create economic and social impact in Places that can be sustained and measured effectively.
  • South of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) provides tailored enterprise support to organisations and individuals in Dumfries & Galloway and the Scottish Borders who want to drive social and transformational change, develop new services and markets, and become sustainable and resilient (South of Scotland Enterprise, 2023). SOSE support projects with a strong focus on Place, community engagement, and partnership working and that have Net Zero, Fair Work and CWB principles clearly demonstrated. SOSE seeks to support projects that align with and deliver on the strategic aims of SOSE, NSET(Scottish Government, 2022), the Regional Economic Strategy, and the Social Enterprise Action Plan (Scottish Government, 2021). The services they offer include business development advice, specialist expertise, capacity building, intensive support to recover and pivot during and after crisis, sectoral signposting and referral, funding through grants and loans.
  • Scottish Enterprise (SE) is Scotland’s national economic development agency and a non-departmental public body of the Scottish Government. It supports businesses to innovate and scale to transform the Scottish economy by focusing on new market opportunities through targeted investment, innovation and internationalisation.
  • Firstport offer advice, training and funding for social enterprises (Firstport, 2023).
  • Social Investment Scotland provide social loan finance and business support to social enterprises and charities across Scotland. (Social Investment Scotland, 2023).
  • Development Trusts Association Scotland (DTAS) provides advice to community-led enterprises on start-up, governance, strategic development, expert help and one-to-one advice (DTAS, 2023).
  • Community Shares Scotland (DTAS) & Scottish Community Finance (Scottish Communities Finance, 2023) provide support on democratic finance including tailored advice, training and micro grants on shares, bonds and other citizen investment opportunities (Community Shares Scotland, 2023).
  • Find Business single-entry point for public sector business support in Scotland

Sources of Support and Advice for Co-operatives and employee-owned businesses:

  • Co-operative Development Scotland’s (CDS) remit is to raise awareness of the value of co-op and employee ownership models and provide specialist advice. Its services are integrated to those of Scottish Enterprise, Highlands & Islands Enterprise and Business Gateway. CDS offers a range of advice and services to both start-ups and existing enterprises, including free masterclasses and one-to-one support (Scottish Enterprise CDS, 2023).
  • Scottish Enterprise (SE) is Scotland’s national economic development agency and a non-departmental public body of the Scottish Government. It supports businesses to innovate and scale to transform the Scottish economy by focusing on new market opportunities through targeted investment, innovation and internationalisation.
  • Co-operatives UK is the representative body for offering support for co‑ops to start up and thrive – they offer expert advice, and access to events and training (Co-operatives UK, 2023). They also work with DTAS/CSS in the setting up of Community Benefit Societies in Scotland.
  • Employee Ownership Association (EOA) represents the employee-owned sector in the UK (Employee Ownership Association, 2023). They look to support businesses to explore and progress their employee-owned business helping to unlock the potential of employees, business and the economy. They advocate on behalf of their members to promote employee ownership and its benefits.
  • EOA is the UK’s trusted expert on employee ownership (Employee Ownership Association, 2023). They provide a platform for members to network with peers in the employee ownership sector, share experiences, and learn best practice through events, training and their online community.
  • Find Business single-entry point for public sector business support in Scotland



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