
Developing the Social Security Charter: visual summary

Visual summary of a co-design process for development of the Scottish Social Security Charter.


The Scottish Government is becoming responsible for some of the benefits previously delivered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP).

Department for Work and Pensions → Scottish Government

This report describes the co-design process used to draft the Charter for Social Security Scotland, the executive agency who will deliver benefits in Scotland.

Who took part?
A diverse range of people were involved in the Charter co-design across a series of workshops, focus groups, interviews and a survey.

The people who came to the workshops were called the Core Group. They mostly came from the Social Security Experience Panels. The panels are 2,400 volunteers who have experience of the benefits coming to Scotland.

  • 34 Core group members

Including disabled people with experience of:

  • Mental Illness
  • Physical conditions
  • Learning conditions
  • Sensory conditions

26 other diverse people took part in workshops:

  • LGBT people
  • Young carers
  • Parents
  • Ethnic minorities and asylum seekers
  • People from islands

462 Survey responses from Experience Panel members

  • 41% Man or boy
  • 58% Woman or girl

Participants were between 16 – 80+ years old

Most survey participants were disabled or had a long term health condition, including:

  • chronic pain
  • severe hearing conditions
  • severe visual conditions
  • other kinds of long term health condition

Stakeholder organisations were also involved. This included disability organisations and charities. They provided feedback, advice and ideas for the Core Group to consider.

Scottish Government officials, including researchers and policy officials helped run the sessions and pull together all the information.


Email: Julie Guy

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