Developing the young workforce: equality impact assessment report

This equality impact assessment report reflects on the progress of the programme three years in.

Recommendations where an EQIA is not required

Recommendation 2: A focus on preparing all young people for employment should form a core element of the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence with appropriate resource dedicated to achieve this. In particular local authorities, Skills Development Scotland and employer representative organisations should work together to develop a more comprehensive standard for careers guidance which would reflect the involvement of employers and their role and input. – ANY IMPACT ASSESSMENT IS FOR THE PARTNERS INVOLVED

Recommendation 4: Colleges' key role in the development of Scotland's young workforce should be recognised and managed through Regional Outcome Agreements. - ALREADY IN PLACE

Recommendation 5: The new regional colleges should have a primary focus on employment outcomes and supporting local economic development. This should be underpinned by meaningful and wide ranging partnerships with industry and should be at the forefront of Regional Outcome Agreements and their measurement - ALREADY IN PLACE

Recommendation 6: A commitment to supporting the development of Scotland's young workforce through the enhancement of vocational education pathways should feature prominently in the National Performance Framework, Community Plans and College Regional Outcome Agreements - This will flow from recommendation 1 and will also be covered under the Collage OA assessment.

Recommendation 16: Scotland's leading industry sector groups and companies should be encouraged to work with the Scottish College for Educational Leadership to develop a programme to provide emerging school staff leaders with a wide ranging understanding of industry and careers - ANY IMPACT ASSESSMENT IS FOR THE PARTNERS INVOLVED

Recommendation 19: A nationally defined Invest in Youth Accolade should be developed to recognise industry's engagement in the development and employment of Scotland's young workforce - No EQIA is required as the implementation has already been achieved

Recommendation 20: A small business Modern Apprenticeship recruitment incentive package should be developed to equip and support smaller and micro businesses to recruit and train more young people. THIS INCENTIVE WAS STOPPED IN 2015-16 DUE TO FUNDING LIMITATIONS.

Recommendation 21: Voluntary levy schemes to recruit and train young people in skills shortage areas should be encouraged. Groups of employers should be supported to work in collaboration, with the Scottish Government providing co-funding. THIS RECOMMENDATION IS NO LONGER BEING PURSUED DUE TO THE INTRODUCTION OF THE MANDATORY UK GOVERNMENT APPRENTICESHIP LEVY.

Recommendation 23: Public sector employers should be encouraged by the Scottish Government and local authorities to be exemplars in a national Invest In Youth Policy and this should be explicitly reflected in their published corporate plans - ANY IMPACT ASSESSMENT IS FOR THE PARTNERS INVOLVED

Recommendation 29: The Scottish Funding Council and colleges should develop an action plan to address gender disparities within college education. This should be underpinned by realistic but stretching improvement targets. The Scottish Funding Council should report on this annually - ANY IMPACT ASSESSMENT IS FOR THE PARTNERS INVOLVED

Recommendation 39: In partnership with the third sector, the Scottish Government should consider developing a programme which offers supported employment opportunities lasting up to a year for care leavers - previously had an EQIA – care leavers were always eligible for the programme we have just improved the support they receive and adapted the programme based on DYW and external evaluation recommendations.


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