
Developing the Young Workforce: annual report 2014-15

The first annual report on Scotland's youth employment strategy, setting out progress in year one of implementing the seven-year programme.


Performance Assessment

The publication of the Developing the Young Workforce – Scotland’s Youth Employment strategy last December in response to the Education for All! report also set out our commitment to report, on an annual basis, progress with implementing the programme over its seven year lifespan.

In line with the Commission’s proposed approach, 11 key performance indicators ( KPIs), were developed, reflecting those areas where we would focus our efforts. These indicators are long-term targets, reflecting the ambitions and lifespan of the programme. They have been endorsed by the Developing the Young Workforce Programme Board.

The programme’s impact, in terms of achieving the targets set out in the 11 KPIs, will take time and in some instances the lifetime of the programme. This reflects both the level of ambition and the challenge involved. The strategy also set out a number of milestones for each theme which demonstrate what we expect to achieve over each year of the programme and progress against these will be evident each year. It should be noted that the indicators may be subject to further refinement to fully capture the nature and level of the programme’s ambition.

In this first annual progress report, and those that will follow, we assess progress made over the year against our headline target, KPIs and milestones. The headline target and KPIs relate to the programme as a whole, and progress against these measures is set out in the table on Annex A below. Progress against the theme-specific milestones is set out in the chapters which follow.

We are currently in the process of developing an overall evaluation framework to enable us to assess the success of the programme as a whole against its intended outcomes.

Progress on Overarching Target and Key Performance Indicators

The table below sets out, for each KPI and our overarching target, the baseline figure and current figure to demonstrate progress made over the year. In addition, it sets out the data source for each indicator and the frequency with which that data is updated.

There are a number of KPIs where data is published for the first time this year ( KPIs 3 and 4, explained in footnotes to the KPI table) or is not comparable with previous years ( KPIs 6 and 10, explained in footnotes to the KPI table). For this reason, it is only possible to provide baselines figures at this stage. We will monitor and report on the progress of these indicators in forthcoming years.

Key Performance Indicators ( KPIs) Table


Baseline figure

Current figure

Data source

Data frequency

Overarching target

To reduce the level of youth unemployment (excluding those in full-time education) by 40 per cent by 2021

52,000 (Jan-Mar 2014)

41,000 (Jan-Mar 2015)

Labour Force Survey ( ONS)

Annual, using Jan-Mar data


Be one of the top five performing countries in the EU for youth unemployment by reducing the relative ratio of youth unemployment to 25-64 unemployment to the level of the fifth best country in the EU by 2021

3.7 (Jan-Dec 2013)

The ratio of the fifth best country in the EU was 2.1

3.9 (Jan-Dec 2014) [8]

The ratio of the fifth best country in the EU was 2.1

Scotland data: Annual Population Survey ( ONS); EU data: OECD Stat

Scotland data: Annual, by calendar year; EU data: Annual


Be one of the top five performing countries in the EU for youth unemployment by reducing the youth unemployment rate to match the fifth best country in the EU by 2021

19.0% (Jan-Mar 2014)

The rate of the fifth best country in the EU was 14.7%

13.8% (Jan-Mar 2015)

The rate of the fifth best country in the EU was 11.7%

Scotland data: Labour Force Survey ( ONS); EU data: Eurostat (European Commission)

Scotland data: Annual, using Jan-Mar data; EU data: Annual, using February data


Increase the percentage of school leavers attaining vocational qualifications [9] at SCQF level 5 and above by 2021

7% (2013/14)

7% (2013/14)

2013/14 School Leaver Statistics: data from Awarding Bodies ( SQA for baseline data) and SG Pupil Census [10]


KPI 4 [11]

Increase the percentage of 16-24 year old college students who have successfully completed a full time course moving into employment or higher level study [12]

Baseline data available 15 December 2015

Baseline data available 15 December 2015

College Leaver Destination Survey ( SFC) [13]

Annual, by college year


The number of Modern Apprentices at level 3 and above to be increased. The target is for 20,000 out of a total of 30,000 MA starts to be at this level by 2021, i.e. two-thirds

15,655 (2013/14)

16,112 (2014/15)

Modern Apprenticeship Statistics: Full Year Report ( SDS)

Annual, by financial year (April-March)


Increase the percentage of employers recruiting young people directly from education to 35 per cent by 2018

32% (2014)

32% (2014)

Employer Perspectives Survey ( UKCES) [14]

Biennial, based on 'last 2-3 years' when respondents are surveyed


To reduce to 60 per cent the percentage of Modern Apprenticeship frameworks [15] where the gender balance is 75:25 or worse by 2021

73% (2013/14)

72% (2014/15)

Modern Apprenticeship Statistics: Full Year Report ( SDS)

Annual, by financial year (April- March)


Increase by 5 percentage points the minority gender share in each of the 10 largest and most imbalanced college superclasses [16] by 2021

5% average (2012/13)

6% average [17]


Further Education Statistics collection ( SFC)

Annual, by college year


Increase the number of MA starts from minority ethnic communities to equal the population share by 2021

1.1% (2013/14)

1.4% (2014/15)

Modern Apprenticeship Statistics: Full Year Report ( SDS)

Annual, by financial (April-March)

KPI 10

Increase the employment rate for young disabled people to the population average by 2021

35.9% (Jan-Dec 2014)

35.9% (Jan-Dec 2014)

Annual Population Survey ( ONS) [18]

Annual, by calendar year

KPI 11

Increase positive destinations for looked after children by 4 percentage points per annum resulting in parity by 2021 [19]

70% (2012/13)

73% (2013/14) [20]

Educational Outcomes for Looked After Children ( SG)

Annual, by school year


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