
Developing the Young Workforce: annual report 2014-15

The first annual report on Scotland's youth employment strategy, setting out progress in year one of implementing the seven-year programme.


DYW – managing the seven year national programme

Implementation of Developing the Young Workforce, is managed as a programme of activity, give the breadth and cross-cutting nature of the activities and ambitions.

A programme board chaired by Aileen McKechnie, Director of Advanced Learning and Science in the Scottish Government, and with membership drawn from local and central government, the college sector and the business community provides oversight of - and direction on - plans, and ensure connections are made across the programme.

The programme boards meets on a quarterly cycle. It considers progress against the report’s original recommendations, which are grouped into Change Themes: provision in schools through the Broad General Education (Change Theme 1), senior phase of Curriculum for Excellence (Change Theme 2), college provision (Change Theme 3), training and apprenticeships (Change Theme 4), and engagement with employers (Change Theme 5). Change Theme teams are drawn from Scottish Government and Education Scotland with input from delivery partners across the programme.

Political and senior stakeholder input comes from the National Advisory Group. Jointly chaired by Cabinet Secretary for Fair Work, Skills and Training and Councillor Stephanie Primrose, COSLA spokesperson for Education, Children and Young People, and with Sir Ian Wood as a member, the National Advisory Group meets twice a year.


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