
Developing the young workforce: Scotland's youth employment strategy

Sets out how the Scottish Government will implement the recommendations from the Commission for Developing Scotland's Young Workforce.

Annex B


  • The following key performance indicators are based on those proposed by the Commission for Developing Scotland's Young, and have been endorsed by the Developing Scotland's Young Workforce Programme Board.
  • The Scottish Government will report annually on performance and progress against these measures. A number of the measures require further refinement in order to capture fully the nature and level of the programme's ambition. The Programme Board will advise the Scottish Government on the total set of KPIs as part of their scrutiny of the programme and will advise of any changes recommended, which will in turn be reflected by the Scottish Government in its public facing material.


Baseline figure

Data source

Next data update

Overarching Target

To reduce the level of youth unemployment (excluding those in full-time education) by 40 per cent by 2021.

52,000 (Jan-Mar 2014)

Labour Force Survey

June 2015


Be one of the top five performing countries in the EU for youth unemployment by reducing the relative ratio of youth unemployment to 25-64 unemployment to the level of the fifth best country in the EU by 2021.

3.7 (2013)

Annual Population Survey

March 2015


Be one of the top five performing countries in the EU for youth unemployment by reducing the youth unemployment rate to match the fifth best country in the EU by 2021.

19% (Jan-Mar 2014)


Labour Force Survey

June 2015


Increase the percentage of school leavers attaining vocational qualifications* at SCQF level 5 and above by 2021.

*Vocational qualifications: for the purposes of base lining, we are interpreting this as National Certificates, Higher National Qualifications, Scottish Vocational Qualifications, National Progression Awards, and Skills for Work at SCQF Level 5 and above but recognise that this should evolve to fully reflect vocational qualifications valued by employers. We will consult further with stakeholders on this.

TBA - Provisional data from 2013/14 leavers will be available in February 2015

Insight using data from awarding bodies, SDS and SG pupil census

Annual from February 2015


Increase the percentage of young college students moving into employment or higher level study by 2021.

TBA - Provisional data from 2013/14 leavers will be available in June 2015

To be confirmed

Annual from June 2015


The number of Modern Apprentices at level 3 and above to be increased. The target is for 20,000 out of a total of 30,000 MA starts to be at this level by 2021, i.e. two-thirds.

15,655 (end 2013/14)

Skills Development Scotland data

June 2015


Increase the percentage of employers recruiting young people directly from education to 35 per cent by 2018.

32% (2014 Employer Skills Survey)

UKCES Employer Perspectives Survey

2016 Employer Perspectives Survey


To reduce to 60 per cent the percentage of MA frameworks where the gender balance is 75:25 or worse by 2021.

73% (2013-14)

Skills Development Scotland data

June 2015


Increase by 5 percentage points the minority gender share in each of the 10 largest and most imbalanced superclasses* by 2021.

*Superclasses are subject groups in colleges.

Minority gender share is between 2% and 9% in each of the 10 relevant superclasses. (2012/13)

Scottish Funding Council data

January 2015.


Increase the number of MA starts from minority ethnic communities to equal the population share by 2021

1.1% ( SDS Q4 2014 Report)

Skills Development Scotland data

June 2015

KPI 10

Increase the employment rate for young disabled people to the population average by 2021

31.0% disabled youth employment rate (July 2013 - June 2014)

Annual Population Survey

June 2015

KPI 11

Increase positive destinations for looked after children by 4 percentage point per annum resulting in parity by 2021

60.3% (2012/13)

Educational Outcomes for Looked After Children

June 2015


Email: Josh McCormack

Phone: 0300 244 4000 – Central Enquiry Unit

The Scottish Government
St Andrew's House
Regent Road

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