
Devolved School Management: draft guidelines

Draft new Devolved School Management Guidelines to local authorities, providing guidance on local authorities’ Devolved School Management Schemes regarding how they fund schools and the accountability and responsibility for financial decisions.

Devolved School Management Guidelines (Draft)

These guidelines have been devised to help Local Authorities[1] develop their own Devolved School Management (DSM) schemes. They include advice on what is expected and recommended in a local scheme, alongside practical examples from Local Authorities. To aid local authorities, a framework document has been created which will allow Local Authorities to populate a standard format if they wish to do so, introducing broader consistency of scheme presentation.

This document has two main sections. Section one covers the introduction, background, principles of DSM, framework document, the areas identified as expected or as recommendations and self-evaluation. Section two provides detailed guidance for Local Authorities in developing their own DSM scheme, including format and publication, scheme review, training, accounting matters, consultation, engagement and, transparency, professional support, collaboration and staffing. Throughout this section we have included examples from Local Authorities, these may offer ideas and aid discussion on areas a Local Authority may wish to include in its scheme. Finally, Appendices A to E provide supporting information.

These guidelines aim to encourage participation from Local Authority wider teams, schools[2] and parents. They have been prepared through collaboration and consultation with a wide range of stakeholders. Collaboration is key to a successful local DSM scheme, this is captured within the Joint Agreement and Headteachers' Charter to which these guidelines align and support.



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