Building standards - digital competency assessment system: options appraisal

Options appraisal report on the development of a digital competency assessment system for building standards professionals in local government.

Appendix 10.1 Digital CAS User Requirements

Table 10.1 Prioritised User Requirements for Digital CAS

Must have

  • Digital CAS should identify skills gaps and provide a direct link to online training platform
  • Digital CAS should be available at all times
  • Digital CAS should show career progression chart and information
  • Digital CAS needs to save user's progress as they complete assessment in iterations
  • Digital CAS should have a 'Not Applicable' option for questions
  • Handbook and toolkit should be integrated and viewable on the same page so that the user does not need to cross reference
  • Guidance to CAS should be simpler and easier to read
  • Digital CAS accessibility should comply with WCAG
  • Digital CAS needs to produce reports
  • Digital CAS needs to be easy to navigate and provide a good user experience (e.g. without having to scroll left to right)
  • Digital CAS needs to have same style as LABSS website to ensure a consistent user experience

Should have

  • Direct links from identified skills gap to the equivalent training on VLE
  • Include Graduate Apprentices and Trainees in the framework
  • Digital CAS should show skills development progress/action against an identified skill gap
  • A user should be able to log into LABSS website, Digital CAS and VLE using the same credentials

Could have

  • Digital CAS should have a 'Not Applicable' option for whole sections
  • Digital CAS/VLE could include status of learning, learning module completion, dates for courses and completion of courses
  • Digital CAS should include links from year to year results for comparisons

Won't have

  • Combine annual performance review and CAS
  • Awareness and experience on the job should be included in CAS process
  • Digital CAS needs to automatically collate reports to send to Scottish Government
  • Digital CAS needs to have job role and level pre-filled ready for the user to use immediately
  • Digital CAS could be a mobile/desktop app




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