Building standards - digital competency assessment system: options appraisal

Options appraisal report on the development of a digital competency assessment system for building standards professionals in local government.

6. Risks and Considerations

1. The volume of competency items may raise some challenges in terms of design of a Digital CAS. Success of the Digital CAS will depend on the interface and functionality being as user friendly as possible. Therefore it is important that a proportionate amount of time be spent on user-centred design and user testing in order to achieve a dynamic and user friendly digital CAS.

2. Similarly, the guidance given to LA Building Standards users needs to be carefully considered in order to ensure users understand the purpose and benefits of the CAS process and how this feeds into the building standards profession. It is critical to achieve buy-in from the users.

3. Accessibility needs of users should be considered within the design of the Digital CAS.

4. If a full DSSS panel assessment is required, costs and timescales could increase for each phase of the implementation project by up to 30%, depending on the level of involvement required.



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