
Digital Health and Care Data Strategy Working Group minutes: February 2022

Minutes from the monthly meeting of the Digital Health and Care Data Strategy Working Group on 8 February 2022.

Attendees and apologies


  • Alan Aitken (AA)
  • Ryan Anderson (RA)
  • Elena Beratarbide (EB)
  • Doreen Grove (DG)
  • Alistair Hodgson (AH)
  • Imme Jones (IJ)
  • Albert King (AK)
  • Anita Morrison (AM)
  • Penni Rocks (PR)
  • Carol Sinclair (CS)
  • Nel Whiting (NW)
  • Gemma Wilson (GW)


  • Simon Crawley (SC)


  • Adam Lang (AL)
  • Zoe Rhode (ZR)

Items and actions

Welcome, apologies observed

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

RA introduced Gemma Wilson (Senior Policy Officer) within Digital Health and Care.

Apologies were noted from Adam Lang and Zoe Rhode.

Data board update

RA provided an update noting all invitations to core members have been issued. Responses have been received by most.

During the discussion the group noted:

  • RA has contacted a UK based policy think tank
  • data board expected to have the first meeting in March 2022, exact date to be confirmed, it was proposed that the data board meets quarterly as this ties in with the key milestone of the data strategy suggestions are May, August and November which is to be confirmed

The group agreed:

  • RA to develop the initial agenda items for the data boards first meeting
  • RA will contact Public Health Scotland (PHS), COSLA and Health and Social Care Partnerships to confirm named board members

Consultation analysis procurement

RA advised the process for procurement of analysis of the consultations has begun with assistance from a delegated purchasing officer. The working group will be kept updated. The procurement process for analysis of the consultation will go live at the same time as the strategy goes out for consultation. The planned responses for the consultation is in the region of 500 to 1000 with provisions for significantly more.

Questions to the working group:

  • what does good look like in the market as an outcome of analysis?
  • what should we be pushing for the tender to come back with in terms of delivery?
  • how will we measure the performance of the winning tender?
  • exit strategy and if the contractor doesn’t meet the procurement requirements?

The group agreed:

  • RA to engage with Health and Social Care Alliance (HSCA) social researchers
  • RA to circulate specification procurement document for feedback (prior to tender) to working group

Risk session feedback

IJ provided an update of the risk session held on 25 January. Shared template of risks with the working group and advised this is also on the group teams channel for review.

The group agreed:

  • update and review of contributions to be completed for next stand up on 24 February - IJ
  • IJ to advise of any new risks identified which are relevant and will update the working group

Engagement update

NW provided an update noting that there has been 14 workshops with a mixture of the public and stakeholders with more to follow. Some initial themes coming from the workshops are trust and transparency.

  • applying a ‘People as rights holders’ is also a key theme particularly with children, due to the issue of data drop off as children move to adults
  • children and cared for people’s rights and responsibilities and the rights of parents and carers, consideration to be given to how this is imbedded into the ethics of the strategy, and how the data is collected, shared and streamlined between organisations
  • concerns being raised in industry are the current state of play is not supporting industry, with concerns that Scotland is falling behind as a place for investment due to data access and standards

During discussion the group noted:

  • deeper dives of engagement to test the approach of the strategy to start at the end of February and into March
  • consolidating the key themes so the working group can include these in the strategy
  • tensions from the innovation sector are access to data and the public unwillingness to share personal data
  • the importance of capturing where the consent is being done well

The group agreed:

  • GW to consolidate the themes and information from engagement sessions prior to the deepdive
  • NW to explore best practice regarding consent to data

Data strategy - data and terminology standards

IJ provided an overview of the comments received on the data and terminology standards document. How to include information governance as an integral to the strategy. This can also be conceived as a challenge or obstacle to users of the data.

The group noted:

  • the purpose of the document and the intended outcome and how this fits with overall strategy

The group agreed:

  • sharing draft documents would help reach a structure to implement into the strategy
  • IJ to advise and update the usability of the document at next stand up on 24 February

New working group meeting date and time

SC suggested new meeting times and dates to accommodate GW’s diary.

The group agreed:

  • new dates and times being 11:30am for both the working group monthly and stand up meetings, SC to send out new diary invitations


  • the group agreed the next stand up meeting of the group on 24 February at 12:00pm, SC to issue invitation
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