
Digital Health and Care Data Strategy Working Group minutes: July 2022

Minutes from the Digital Health and Care Data Strategy Working group on 13 July 2022.

Attendees and apologies

Working group members

  • Ryan Anderson (RA)

  • Ruth Griffith (RG)

  • Doreen Grove (DG)

  • Alistair Hodgson (AH)

  • Head of HSCA

  • Albert King (AK)

  • Clare Mills (CM)

  • Shona Nicol (SN)

  • Penni Rocks (PR)

  • Carol Sinclair (CS)

  • Mark Simpson (MS)

  • Gemma Wilson (GW)


  • Simon Crawley


  • Elena Beratarbide (EB)

  • Imme Jones (IJ)

  • Adam Lang (AL)

  • Ruth Meyer (RM)

Items and actions

Welcome, introductions and apologies observed

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

CB asked existing members to introduce themselves to new members Mark Simpson and Clare Mills (attending on behalf of Ruth Meyer).

Apologies were noted from Elena Beratarbide (EB), Imme Jones (IJ), Adam Lang (AL), Ruth Meyer (RM)

Update on consultation responses received to date

RA provided an overview of the responses received to date for the consultation on the Data Strategy.

The group noted:

  • there have been 33 responses to date, two of which were organisational responses
  • there are two more organisational responses in the pipeline
  • public Health Scotland intend to complete an organisational response

Communication and engagement update

MS provided an overview of the latest plan to market the consultation to a wider audience.

The group noted:

  • there has been a total of 70 engagement sessions to date with various stakeholders and more sessions planned before the end of the consultation
  • a reminder email was issued to over 500 stakeholders to maximise awareness of the consultation and to encourage responses before the consultation closes on 12 August
  • we have drafted and shared a short newsletter article with organisations which they can cascade to their members. This should help raise wider awareness of the consultation and encourage people to respond
  • we are working with internal social media and news teams to discuss communication and advertising opportunities for the consultation to ensure we reach as wide an audience as possible to make people aware of the consultation
  • we are exploring opportunities for ministers to also raise awareness of the Strategy and consultation

The group discussed:

  • potential opportunities for raising awareness of the consultation such as linking in with other twitter accounts relating to data such as Digital Scotland and asking ministers to retweet our content
  • exploring other avenues such as using blog sites to raise awareness of the consultation
  • where the gaps are and opportunities for filling those gaps to ensure we get the widest range of responses to the consultation

The group agreed to continue to raise awareness of the consultation with their stakeholders.

Data Strategy update

RA provided an update on the Data Strategy.

The group noted:

  • RA has reviewed the UK Data Strategy commitments and compared with our draft of the Data Strategy to identify how we can align themes and outcomes of the Strategy
  • we are planning to conduct a workshop with the Digital Leadership Group regarding principles and deliverables for the Data Strategy. We have shared the principles and deliverables that Working Group members identified and asked DLG to input their ideas. Following the workshop, we will gather all outputs and begin another round of engagement with stakeholders to test out the principles and deliverables and begin finalising ideas for the Strategy
  • that we are working on a draft of the Strategy and outputs from our current engagement sessions and responses to the consultation will be used to further develop the draft of the Data Strategy
  • the award for the analysis of the consultation responses has been issued. Our finance business partner has agreed and signed off the budget for this contract

The group discussed:

  • whether other Strategies exist that we could review to ensure alignment of our Data Strategy with existing pieces of work. RA advised that we have already mapped against existing Scottish Strategies
  • the need to be careful regarding ethical use of data and transparency to ensure that we develop a Data Strategy that is right for Scotland

SN will forward the outputs of the Data Maturity assessment and advised that this highlights some of the issues that we are currently facing with regards to data.

Next steps:

  • after the Digital Leadership Group and Public Health Scotland workshops the Working Group can review the outputs to establish gaps and confirm they are content with the principals and deliverables for inclusion within the Strategy


Next working group meeting: Wednesday 10 August 13:30 to 14:00.

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