
Digital Identity Expert Group: terms of reference

Terms of reference for the Digital Identity Expert Group.


To provide expert advice to inform the design, direction and prioritisation of the Scottish Government's Digital Identity Programme. 'A changing nation: how Scotland will thrive in a digital world' is committed to introducing “a trusted and secure digital identity service for users that will provide a standard approach across the Scottish public sector to log in, prove who they are, and demonstrate they are eligible for a service”. 

The group was formerly known as the Online Identity Assurance Expert Group.

Role and responsibilities

  • to provide expert advice to inform the overall work to identify the potential options and develop the solution or solutions for a common approach to Digital Identity

  • to advise the programme board on the content and direction of the programme, from a technical, legal, privacy, legislative framework and GDPR perspective

  • to comment on emergent findings to inform the direction and planning for subsequent parts of the programme, and plans for longer term implementation

  • to highlight connected issues and wider impacts, including identifying where there are links across the landscape and direction for identity assurance and digital public service delivery and contributing to the development of a solution or solutions that can evolve and flex with changes that occur in the future (future proofing)


  • members will bring their subject matter expertise to the work, rather than attend in order to represent a particular organisation or sector impacted by the programme. The exception to this is the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) place on the group 

  • as members participate as individuals (with the exception of ICO), alternatives or delegates should only be considered in exceptional cases and only if they are able to bring a similar level of expertise 

  • members and meeting attendees will be asked to declare any potential conflict of interests that they might have at each meeting and a log of these interests will be kept 

  • the expectation is that this work will be conducted in the spirit and practice of open government The group will consider public sharing of individual substantive papers and documentation 

  • the group will aim to meet at least quarterly, although may amend its schedule of meetings to fit the needs of the programme 

  • the group will be supported by the Scottish Government Digital Identity Programme Team


The digital identity expert group membership can be found on the group page

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