
Disability and Carer Benefits Expert Advisory Group – award duration: response from ministers

Letter to the group from the Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People on 14 December 2018.

Thank you for your letter of 3 December and the Workstream’s accompanying advice on Award Duration. I am grateful for the views and recommendations provided by the Workstream as well as the time and the level of work which has gone into developing this. This is an important policy change which will help reduce the stress and anxiety associated with unnecessary reassessments for potentially vulnerable clients. I will now carefully consider how we take account of these recommendations in developing our policy and will be in touch early in the New Year to share the my thinking.

I look forward to receiving your forthcoming advice on Suitably Qualified Assessors and Sources of Evidence. When this has been received, I will turn to consideration of the Group’s priorities for the coming year as we continue to develop our policies on Disability and Carer Benefits.

I wish you well in your continued consideration of these important matters.

Kind regards

Shirley-Anne Somerville

DCBEAG – award duration: response from ministers
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