
The Disability Assistance (Scottish Adult Disability Living Allowance) Regulations 2025: equality impact assessment

The equality impact assessment (EQIA) considers potential impacts of the Disability Assistance (Scottish Adult Disability Living Allowance) Regulations 2025 on individuals with one or more protected characteristics.

9. Pregnancy and maternity

While many of the clients in scope for transfer to Scottish Adult Disability Living Allowance are over State Pension age, there remain a large number to whom this protected characteristic may apply.

We do not currently have any data on the number of people in the Disability Living Allowance who are pregnant or have children. However, joint research carried out by Engender and Inclusion Scotland looked at the issues facing disabled women. Part of this research highlighted perceptions of disabled women regarding their ability to parent or whether they should become pregnant. Respondents also discussed the fear of having their children removed from their care due to the perception that they were not able to adequately care for them.

Engender cited instances where a disabled woman was able to carry out tasks relating to caring for children which resulted in them being judged as not entitled to disability benefits. The example provided detailed how a mother was able to prepare a meal for her child but not herself, requiring another person to do it. Because she was able to make a meal for her child, she was deemed not to be entitled to assistance. When asked what improvements could be made, key amongst them was a need for equalities training.

People employed by Social Security Scotland will be required to undertake equality training in-line with our commitment to delivering a service based on the values of dignity, fairness and respect. We will also trust what clients tell us about their needs during the application process and during consultations where they take place. This will help to ensure that individuals who fall within the protected characteristics, including pregnancy and maternity, do not experience discrimination when making an application for assistance or engaging with Social Security Scotland more broadly.



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