Disability benefits evaluation - case transfer: evaluation

A report on the evaluation of the case transfer process for those in receipt of Adult Disability and Child Disability Payment


1 Note that cases meeting the special rules for terminal illness (SRTI) have also been prioritised for transfer but are not within scope of this research.

2 From September 2023 (outside the fieldwork period for this evaluation), the PIP to ADP case transfer journey was shortened to 4-8 weeks for those reporting a change in circumstances.

3 More detail of the case transfer policy principals are available at: Social security case transfer: policy position paper - gov.scot (www.gov.scot)

4 Equality, Poverty and Social Security: Research Findings No.23/2019: Social Security Experience Panels: Case Transfer Survey Findings (www.gov.scot)

5 ibid

6 ibid

7 Policy commitments regarding the review process more generally can be found in the Disability Assistance Awards and Entitlement Policy Position Paper

8 The cohort covered by this research are those who were under 65 when PIP was introduced on 08 April 2013

9 The small number of clients with awards transferring from DLA to ADP do not allow for further breakdown on this question to be made.


Email: socialresearch@gov.scot

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