Disability benefits evaluation: supporting information

In line with our evaluation strategy, this report is a policy impact evaluation of the supporting information aspect of the application process in the context of the devolved disability benefits


1. Although it should be noted that 53% of survey respondents did receive a call from Social Security Scotland to ask for further information or to clarify something

2. Although not possible at the time of the research, applicants can also now ask Social Security Scotland to gather information from their wider support network.

3. Those who answered "no" to supplying supporting information with their application were not asked whether they had requested Social Security Scotland to gather information on their behalf because of a routing error. Therefore, 49% is likely to be an underreporting of the overall proportion of respondents who would have reported not asking Social Security Scotland to gather information on their behalf.

4. There are no official statistics on the number of consultations. However, it is likely that there are different interpretations of the term 'consultations' by survey respondents (e.g., informal call)


Email: Stefania.Pagani@gov.scot

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