
Disclosure (Scotland) Act 2020 - accredited body fees and discounting proposals: partial equality impact assessment

Partial equality impact assessment in relation to Disclosure Scotland’s consultation on accredited body fees and proposals for discounting under the PVG scheme.

1. Partial Equality Impact Assessment Record (EQIA)

These policies are under development. Responses to the consultation running February to May 2024 and collaboration with stakeholders through this period will inform the development of the policies, including applying that work to the EQIA. A final EQIA will be published on any policies resulting from this work.

1.1 Title of policy/practice/strategy/legislation etc.

Consultation on Disclosure Scotland’s fee discounting and waivers

1.2 Minister

Natalie Don MSP, Minister for Children, Young People and Keeping The Promise

1.3 Lead official

Gareth Wilks, Head of Customer Engagement, Disclosure Scotland

1.4 Officials involved in the EQIA

Policy Manager, Disclosure Scotland

Policy Support Officer, Disclosure Scotland

Customer Engagement Manager, Disclosure Scotland

Strategic Finance Lead, Disclosure Scotland

Statistician, Disclosure Scotland

1.5 Directorate: Division: Team

Children and Families: Disclosure Scotland: Disclosure Act Implementation

1.6 Is this new policy or revision to an existing policy?

New policy: Discounting in relation to people in receipt of certain benefits and care experienced young people

Revision to existing policy: Move from fee waiver to discount for volunteers in Qualifying Voluntary Organisations (QVOs)



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