
Disclosure (Scotland) Act 2020 - accredited body fees and discounting proposals: draft island communities impact assessment

Draft island communities impact assessment in relation to Disclosure Scotland’s consultation on accredited body fees and proposals for discounting under the PVG scheme.

7. Step Six – making adjustments to your work

7.1 Should delivery mechanisms/mitigations vary in different communities?

None identified for island communities in relation to fees or discounting.

7.2 Do you need to consult with island communities in respect of mechanisms or mitigations?

Though the need for an full ICIA has not been identified in the policy development thus far, we are proactively inviting comment from island communities on issues specific to their circumstances on the fee regulations and proposed waivers.

7.3 Have island circumstances been factored into the evaluation process?


7.4 Have any island-specific indicators/targets been identified that require monitoring?


7.5 How will outcomes be measured on the islands?

Some monitoring based on organisational postcode and individual postcode may be possible. However, people may not be undertaking regulated roles where they live and many organisations operate across Scotland.

7.6 How has the policy, strategy or service affected island communities?

Disclosure Scotland has received no specific feedback on its operations or services in island communities in relation to fees.

7.7 How will lessons learned in this ICIA inform future policy making and service delivery?

A lessons learnt exercise will be taken on conclusion of this programme of work, including in response to the work on impact assessments, gathering of evidence and stakeholder engagement.



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