Disclosure (Scotland) Bill: equality impact assessment
Equality impact assessment (EQIA) for the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill.
1. The Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill as passed on 7 May 2019 provides that a child under 12 years cannot commit a criminal offence. However, under the proposals laid out in the ACR Bill, there remains the possibility of conviction and subsequent disclosure for offences accrued while over the age of 12.
2. At present higher level disclosures may contain information about spent convictions for offences listed on schedules 8A and 8B of the Police Act 1997. It is necessary that relevant and serious convictions can continue to be disclosed in the public interest and under the proposals laid out in the Bill these will be restated as List A (replacing 8A) and List B (replacing 8B).
3. Care Home Census 2016 (Last updated: October 2016), Social Care Services Scotland 2016 (Last updated: November 2016)
4. Self-directed support in Scotland: 2016 to 2017 (last updated: 14 August 2018)
5. https://www.gov.scot/publications/scotlands-digital-strategy-evidence-discussion-paper/pages/5/
6. (Business analysis – Disclosure Scotland (Last updated for total members and gender split: 23 October 2018))
7. Regional Employment Patterns in Scotland: Statistics from the Annual Population Survey 2016 (Last updated: May 2017)
8. College Statistics 2016-17 (Published: January 2018, SFC), Report on Widening Access For All 2015/16 (Formerly Learning for All. Published: September 2017, SFC)
9. Modern Apprenticeship Statistics 2016/17 (Published: June 2017, Skills Development Scotland)
10. /publications/scottish-household-survey-key-findings-2017/pages/16/
11. Business analysis – Disclosure Scotland (Last updated 17 August 2018)
12. Annual Population Survey 2015 (Published: 2016)
13. Scottish Household Survey 2016: Volunteering (Last updated: September 2017)
14. Scottish Household Survey 2017: Volunteering (Published September 2018)
15. Note: sample size for the Outer Hebrides and Lerwick are very low and may be misleading or highly unreliable.
16. Population estimated from Nomis. Information from Disclosure Scotland – Business Analysis Team (updated 12 December 2018)
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