Disclosure (Scotland) Bill: partial BRIA

The partial business and regulatory impact assessment (BRIA) contains an assessment of the costs, benefits and risks of implementing the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill.


1 Scottish Courts and Tribunals, ‘Opinion of Lord Pentland in the cause P (AP) against the Scottish Ministers’, (2017) CSOH 33 https://www.scotcourts.gov.uk/search-judgments/judgment?id=70d42ba7-8980-69d2-b500-ff0000d74aa7 (last accessed: 20 May 2019)

2 For illustrative purposes, this is based on the Care Inspectorate recommendation of a scheme record update every three years to check there is no new information. Some organisations may never use updates, or may use them only when they believe new information may be present on a certificate through other sources.


Email: DSPolicyTeam@disclosurescotland.gov.scot

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