
Just Transition for the Grangemouth industrial cluster: discussion paper

A paper summarising the proposed approach to developing a Just Transition Plan for the industrial cluster of Grangemouth. This will support forthcoming engagement, in aid of a co-design process, that will shape the final Just Transition Plan.

Areas of Interest for the Scottish Government and GFIB Partners

The following questions should be treated as initial lines of inquiry, designed to initiate conversations that can help us to understand whether the outcomes listed above are fit for purpose, and some of the actions we might wish to take forward in helping achieve them. Again, these should not be treated as exhaustive and are examples, provided in the interest of kick-starting the co-design process.

1.1 Decarbonisation, Jobs, Skills and Economic Opportunities

Potential areas of focus:

  • What would encourage new business growth and investment in the area, and what are the blockers?
  • In what ways can Government support a more streamlined approach innovation funding that maximises VFM and wider impact?
  • How can we ensure wider UK Government involvement in Grangemouth?
  • What more can be done to unlock business models that support scale up of low-carbon technologies?
  • How can we increase Grangemouth’s standing as an attractive place for foreign direct investment and new, innovative industries?
  • How can the international markets help unlock Grangemouth’s journey to net zero?
  • What is the role of the Forth Green Freeport in the future of the cluster?
  • What might the role of transition finance be in supporting the diversification and transformation of the Grangemouth industrial cluster?
  • What actions can help to accelerate the adoption of net zero plans and practices among the businesses in and around Grangemouth?
  • What are the gaps in skills needed to deliver net-zero industries of the future?
  • How can government support industry in attracting, retaining and upskilling / retraining talent?
  • What work needs to be done to ensure young people are aware of the types of job opportunities are available to them at Grangemouth and how can they be made more accessible?
  • What is the future skills demand, based on proposed operations? How can we retain and reshape existing skills strengths?

1.2 Communities and Place

Potential areas of focus:

  • What are the touchpoints between the industrial cluster and the community?
  • What would success look like for the wider community in Grangemouth? What realistic improvements would the community like to see in relation to the Industrial Cluster? What changes would have the biggest impact?
  • How are communities connected? What could improve this connectivity, and specifically what can industry do to support this?
  • How can we ensure that the surrounding community is taken along with the industrial cluster as it develops and decarbonises?
  • What support, including capacity and capability building, is required to enable communities to thrive?;
  • How can policy interventions be designed by communities to meet their needs?
  • How can we better structure discussions to consider effective planning and consenting, how does it impact on other actors in the area, and how might we re-approach this in a way that benefits all? Specifically, how can strategic land use planning have a positive impact?
  • What role might effectively integrated datasets play in supporting development of the Grangemouth Just Transition Plan?

1.3 People and Equity

Potential areas of focus:

  • How we can we design and deliver improved access to job opportunities?
  • What policy and regulatory interventions can help to improve a sense of safety and health for those living close to the industrial cluster?
  • In what ways do decisions made at the industrial cluster positively or negatively impact the lives of those living close by, and how can these be given further attention when major decisions are made?
  • How can people be better sighted on these decisions and have a say in them where there will be known impacts?
  • How can support schemes be developed to improve this way of working together?

1.4 Adaptation, Environment and Biodiversity

Potential areas of focus:

  • In what ways could the Grangemouth Just Transition Plan help improve the environment both within the industrial cluster itself, and in the surrounding area?
  • How can the way we regulate support industry to innovate?
  • How can environmental considerations strengthen business USP in support of international trade and investment?
  • How can we better embed environmental consideration into significant development projects/investments?
  • How can decisions on existing and future infrastructure be taken in a way that improves habitats, ecosystems and increase resilience to a changing climate?
  • How can circular economy principles and waste reduction methods be applied in the development of this Just Transition Plan?
  • What are the priority actions that can be addressed just now to improve environmental quality, reduce nature loss, adapt to a changing climate and adopt circular business processes?
  • How can decisions on existing and future infrastructure be taken in a way that improves and restores habitats and ecosystems, and increases resilience to a changing climate, to meet the objectives of Scotland’s Biodiversity Strategy?



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