
Just Transition for the Grangemouth industrial cluster: discussion paper

A paper summarising the proposed approach to developing a Just Transition Plan for the industrial cluster of Grangemouth. This will support forthcoming engagement, in aid of a co-design process, that will shape the final Just Transition Plan.

Grangemouth Future Industry Board and Just Transition Approach

We have proposed that the Grangemouth Future Industry Board will be the main delivery vehicle for the Grangemouth Industrial Just Transition Plan, working in partnership with other vested interest groups, including industry, workforce, trade unions and the community of Grangemouth. GFIB is currently in the process of considering options for its future organisation and engagement with wider stakeholders. Recent recommendations provided by the Economy and Fair Work Committee’s inquiry into a Just Transition at Grangemouth will are welcomed and will assist in this process.

The establishment of GFIB provides a focus and coordination to bring together all of the initiatives needed to enable this transition. A primary purpose of GFIB is to facilitate collaboration across the entire Scottish public sector, to streamline actions and decisions in pursuit of long-term sustainable economic success, and future-proof the complex.

  • The distinction in purpose, however, is that GFIB’s scope is focused on the core industrial cluster where the most emissions, infrastructure and economic value is concentrated.
  • GFIB’s workstreams have an overarching ambition to advance a net-zero Grangemouth by leading on engagement with business and community partners to plan, prioritise and coordinate cross cutting decarbonisation opportunities and projects at the cluster.
  • GFIB is complementary to the work of partners in implementing the Falkirk Growth Deal and Investment Zone, and to wider economic development initiatives in the region delivered with the local authority, Falkirk Council.

GFIB’s Just Transition workstream, led by the Scottish Government, commits the partnership to delivering a Just Transition Plan for the Grangemouth industrial cluster Delivery of this involves the attainment of four key priorities:

1. preserve and enhance the economic contribution of the manufacturing cluster;

2. reduce emissions towards net zero;

3. capture and amplify existing assets such as skills and knowledge to progress the transition, and;

4. ensure that the transition is fair for all.

In line with the Scottish Government’s approach to Just Transition, partners across GFIB consider that this can be best delivered through a co-ordinated approach that is co-designed alongside industry, workers and other stakeholders with a vested interest, including those in the surrounding town of Grangemouth to embed equity and fairness into decision making.



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