
Just Transition for the Grangemouth industrial cluster: discussion paper

A paper summarising the proposed approach to developing a Just Transition Plan for the industrial cluster of Grangemouth. This will support forthcoming engagement, in aid of a co-design process, that will shape the final Just Transition Plan.

The Key Methods to Tackle the Emissions from Scotland’s Industries

In general, energy-intensive industries have the opportunity to reduce emissions to much lower levels by a combination of three principal means: making industrial processes more efficient; switching to lower carbon fuels, or capturing carbon emissions.

UK ETS enables carbon markets to play a key role in driving a smooth decarbonisation for industry. It remains the main mechanism for decarbonising energy intensive industries.

In addition to Emissions Trading Scheme, and in light of the reporting of the Committee on Climate Change, we are developing a hierarchy of industrial decarbonisation policy to:

  • Focus on energy demand, optimisation or industrial energy and/or material efficiency, including advanced digitisation.
  • Electrify industrial processes where feasible or enable switching to low-carbon fuels.
  • Incentivise investment in carbon capture and storage.



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