
Distillery by-products, livestock feed and bio-energy use: report

We commissioned this report in response to concerns by livestock farmers about the impact of anaerobic digestion and bio-energy on the availability of distillery by-product for use as livestock feed in Scotland.


An errata was published on the 4th of July 2019 as a result of changes to Table A1 – Scotch whisky by-product estimates, in Appendix 2 on PDF pages 33 & 34. The figures reported in this table were previously incorrect and have since been amended. The HTML and PDF have been updated to reflect these changes.

ISBN 978-1-78781-956-6 (web only)
PPDAS 599570

This document is also available in pdf format (862KB)



Executive Summary

1. Introduction – objectives and approach

2. Distillery by-products output

3. Use of Scotch whisky distillery by-products in livestock feed

4. Feedstock use in the Scottish AD and bio-energy sectors

5. Supply and demand of distillery by-products

6. Distillery by-product price, availability and livestock feed trends in Scotland

Appendix 1 - Introduction to distillery feed products

Appendix 2 - Estimated Scotch whisky by-product output

Appendix 3 - Nutritional value of distillery by-products

Appendix 4 - Feedstock requirement of Anaerobic Digestion plants in Scotland



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