Diversity and inclusion strategy: equality impact assessment

The equality impact assessment for Scottish Government's employer diversity and inclusion strategy.


Like all public sector bodies, SG is bound by the public sector equality duty and as part of the duty this we have published our equality outcomes two of which concentrate on our role as an employer.

We have worked to deliver these outcomes through a variety of initiatives and plans, but primarily we have focussed on delivery through three employer action plans each with a single equality group focus to embed inclusion, equality and diversity into our corporate policies, procedures and practice.

Those three action plans are the:

  • Recruitment and Retention Action Plan for Disabled People (2019)
  • Race Recruitment and Retention Action Plan (2021)
  • Socio-Economic Diversity Action Plan (2023)

All three have helped us to make progress towards our equality outcomes and we can see from our data that we are gradually becoming a more diverse workplace. Albeit at a slower pace than we envisaged.

We also know that attracting diversity is only half the story. And that it is the experiences of colleagues once in the workplace that is crucial to making sure that we progress towards being an organisation where all colleagues feel included, valued and have a sense of belonging.

This single diversity and inclusion strategy replaces earlier plans. Shifting focus from single equality group action plans to an inclusive and intersectional approach to address areas of poorest employee experience to achieve positive, measurable improvements.


Email: diversityteam@gov.scot

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