Diversity and inclusion strategy: equality impact assessment

The equality impact assessment for Scottish Government's employer diversity and inclusion strategy.

Key Findings

The EQIA has been central to the development of the Diversity and Inclusion Strategy. We know that the risk of having a diversity and inclusion strategy could be that commitments are too broad and therefore do not effectively target the specific attention needed for different groups. Or that a vast number of actions could be unachievable or could dilute potential impact by stretching effort too thin. To mitigate this, the approach has used a comprehensive data analysis to target the action needed most for the groups experiencing most differential treatment at particular points on the employee journey. We also know the data should drive the approach to monitoring impact so that we can understand if the changes we want to see are actually happening for people with lived experience of differential treatment.

Through analysis of the data we identified hot topics. These are particular aspects or points of the employee journey where two or more data sources identified a consistently poorer experience for one, some, or all equality groups.

Hot topics have been grouped into broader related gamechanger themes. The four game changer themes and relevant hot topics are as follows:

  • Getting Started at SG
  • Promoting Positive Behaviours
  • Achieving Equity
  • Opportunities,

Within the four themes there are 14 areas of the employee journey that are our identified hot topics for the first iteration of the action plan which will accompany the strategy. For some hot topics effort needs to be targeted to one, two or three equality groups. Other hot topics show a poorer experience for more than three groups. These require broader solutions responding to needs of all, recognising how intersectionality can compound experience.

Our 14 hot topics and their focus by equality group are:

Game Changer: Getting Started at the SG

Hot Topic: Application

Equality Group: Age, Disability, Socio economic diversity

Hot Topic: Sift

Equality Group: Race, Religion or belief

Hot Topic: Interview

Equality Group: Disability, Race, Religion or belief

Hot Topic: Onboarding

Equality Group: Disability, Race, Religion or belief

Game Changer: Promoting Positive Behaviours

Hot Topic: Line Managers

Equality Group: All equality groups

Hot Topic: Discrimination

Equality Group: All equality groups

Hot Topic: Bullying and Harassment

Equality Group: All equality groups

Game Changer: Achieving Equity

Hot Topic: Workplace Adjustments

Equality Group: Disability

Hot Topic: Absences

Equality Group: All equality groups

Hot Topic: Leavers

Equality Group: All equality groups

Hot Topic: Performance

Equality Group: All equality groups

Hot Topic: Workplace + Hybrid

Equality Group: All equality groups

Game Changer: Opportunities Connection and Voice

Hot Topic: Learning and Development

Equality Group: All equality groups

Hot Topic: Progression

Equality Group: All equality groups

How we will measure impact

We have developed lead Measures which spell out the specific change we want to see for each topic and how this change will be measured. Lead measures were co-produced with our staff diversity networks, reflecting on the data gathered. As we believe the best people to identify the changes we want to see are those experiencing that poorer experience. We then mapped ways we could assess impact through existing organisational key performance indicators (KPIs).

All actions which will underpin the strategy will be co-produced with teams who will be responsible for implementing them. Corporate teams are asked what actions they can take that will achieve the specific changes we want to see. The approach to monitoring success of these actions will be through the movement of our associated KPIs.

The EQIA process has helped us to deliver better outcomes for staff and prospective staff by putting their experiences at the centre of the strategy development. We have placed equal attention to qualitative and quantitative data. Using our People Survey and Employee Insights data along with our recruitment (ICIMs) and workforce (e-HR) data.


Email: diversityteam@gov.scot

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