Diversity in political representation in Scotland: data improvement project proposal

We have been scoping out a project to work with stakeholders to improve the completeness of data on the diversity of election candidates and elected representatives in Scotland. This paper sets out details of a proposed new data collection at the 2022 local council elections.

8. Project organisation and timescales

This project is being led by a statistician and a researcher in the Constitution, International and Migration analysis team, which provides analytical support to the Scottish Government's Elections policy team.

Successful delivery of the project will rely on close working with electoral partners at the EMB and Electoral Commission, as well as stakeholders and other interested parties (see below).

Table 1: Project timescales

Milestones : Date(s)

Engagement with stakeholders : June 2021 - Ongoing

Publish proposal paper for stakeholders and academics to provide comments and feedback on proposed approach : December 2021

Further engagement and opportunity for comments on materials and approach : Until end January 2022

Finalise all practicalities of the data collection/ and have a final version of the questionnaire form : January 2022

Scottish Government to send all paper questionnaires, information leaflets and envelopes to ROs to include in nomination packs : Early February 2022

Collect diversity data during nomination period for the 2022 LG elections : Mid-March – end of March 2022

Data processing : March– June/July 2022

Publish report and anonymised diversity data : Autumn 2022


Email: Gillian.Cruickshank@gov.scot

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