
Doctors and dentists in training - staff experience 2022: independent report

Independent report by Webropol providing information and analysis of staff experience for doctors and dentists in training across Scotland during 2022.

Response Rate

The overall response rate for DDiT 2022 was 38%. Whilst still a valid response rate, it is 3 percentage points below the DDiT 2021 response rate of 41% and notably below that achieved for iMatter 2022.

In 2022 6,640 DDiT staff were sent a survey invitation and responses were received from 2,534 staff, volumes very similar to those invited and responding to the survey in 2021.

Response Rate
Chart showing response rates for each survey
DDiT 2022 = 38%
DDiT  2021 = 41%
Health & Social Care iMatter 2022  = 55%

Staff taking part in DDiT are from 17 Boards with the majority of responses coming from the larger geographic Boards (see chart following). Almost half of all DDiT responses come from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (30%) and NHS Lothian (18%).

The other boards individually contributing over 5% of the responses are:

  • NHS Grampian (13%)
  • NHS Tayside (10%)
  • NHS Lanarkshire (8%)
  • NHS Ayrshire & Arran (6%)

The remaining 11 boards collectively account for 15% of the DDiT responses.

Note: To protect anonymity data is not shown where the number of responses is less than 10 and so is combined for:

  • NHS Orkney
  • NHS Shetland
  • NHS Western Isles
  • The State Hospital
Chart showing number of responses for each Board NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 759
NHS Lothian 450
NHS Grampian 317
NHS Tayside 263
NHS Lanarkshire 205
NHS Ayrshire & Arran 155
NHS Fife 85
NHS Forth Valley 84
NHS Highland 75
NHS Dumfries & Galloway 59
NHS Borders 38
NHS Education for Scotland 16
NHS Golden Jubilee 10
NHS Shetland, Orkney, The State Hopsital, Western Isles 18



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