
Doctors and dentists in training - staff experience 2022: independent report

Independent report by Webropol providing information and analysis of staff experience for doctors and dentists in training across Scotland during 2022.

Appendix 2 – DDiT Staff Group

The DDiT Staff Experience Pulse Survey is open to Doctors and Dentists in Training from NHS Training Contracts and Clinical Fellows.

Those out of scope, due to the contractual nature of their employment, training or role within the NHS organisational structure, include:

  • GP Speciality Trainee's (GPST) in primary care (i.e. GP Practice)
  • Vocational Dental Practitioners (VDP) in Dental Practice

Any trainees on long term absence (e.g. maternity, long term sick), or who are working in a Fellowship role, or who are acting up in another position within the NHS

Within the DDiT Staff group almost 97% are doctors in training and the remainder are dentists in training. Whilst the split between doctors and dentists amongst those completing the survey is not known, the results are dominated by the opinions of doctors in training.



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