Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland - 2010/11 and 2011/12

Domestic Abuse Recorded by the Police in Scotland, 2010-11 and 2011-12

Table 8a Incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police in 2010-11, where incidents against the same victim had previously been recorded, by police force area

Number and percentage

Number1 Percent of incidents
where this information
is available which
involved repeat
No previous incidents Previous incidents TOTAL where information available Information not available TOTAL
Central2 - - - 3,702 3,702 -
Dumfries & Galloway 622 785 1,407 - 1,407 56
Fife 1,029 2,818 3,847 - 3,847 73
Grampian 978 1,905 2,883 583 3,466 -
Lothian & Borders 2,957 6,929 9,886 - 9,886 70
Northern 797 819 1,616 114 1,730 51
Strathclyde 13,729 13,535 27,264 1 27,265 50
Tayside 2,869 1,526 4,395 - 4,395 35
TOTAL 22,981 28,317 51,298 4,400 55,698 55

1. Figures represent a count of previous incidents, not the sum of previous incidents. See note 4.4.

2. Central are currently unable to provide information on repeat incidents


Email: Jan Young

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