Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland - 2010/11 and 2011/12

Domestic Abuse Recorded by the Police in Scotland, 2010-11 and 2011-12

Table 21a Action taken by the police against identified perpetrators of crimes/offences cleared up by the police, by police force area, 2010-11


Referral to procurator fiscal Police warning Other action1 No further action Not recorded TOTAL
Central 1,061 7 259 99 - 1,426
Dumfries & Galloway 368 - 62 11 - 441
Fife 1,511 2 357 52 5 1,927
Grampian 1,301 9 1,002 133 38 2,483
Lothian & Borders 2,281 - 931 - - 3,212
Northern 764 5 53 62 - 884
Strathclyde 14,400 16 3,103 148 4 17,671
Tayside 1,510 5 5 2,806 - 4,326
Scotland 23,196 44 5,772 3,311 47 32,370

1. 'Other action' includes, for example, referrals to support groups such as victim support.


Email: Jan Young

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