Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland - 2010/11 and 2011/12

Domestic Abuse Recorded by the Police in Scotland, 2010-11 and 2011-12

Table 4a Incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police, by police force area where gender of victim was recorded, Scotland, 2010-11


All incidents where gender recorded Crimes Offences Behaviour not leading to the recording of a crime or offence
Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total Female Male Total
Central 3,179 523 3,702 453 54 507 801 118 919 1,925 351 2,276
Dumfries & Galloway 1,234 173 1,407 74 7 81 308 52 360 852 114 966
Fife 3,338 509 3,847 514 56 570 1,131 226 1,357 1,693 227 1,920
Grampian 2,967 499 3,466 501 52 553 1,589 341 1,930 877 106 983
Lothian & Borders 8,545 1,341 9,886 845 67 912 2,030 270 2,300 5,670 1,004 6,674
Northern 1,486 241 1,727 97 14 111 675 98 773 714 129 843
Strathclyde1 21,581 5,579 27,160 3,344 573 3,917 10,900 2,799 13,699 7,337 2,207 9,544
Tayside 3,552 761 4,313 375 54 429 3,129 689 3,818 48 18 66
TOTAL 45,882 9,626 55,508 6,203 877 7,080 20,563 4,593 25,156 19,116 4,156 23,272

1. It is not possible for Strathclyde to link the crimes recorded to any nominal recorded as involved in the incident. Although someone is the victim of a domestic incident, it is possible that they are not the victim of the main crime, therefore the data for Strathclyde linking gender with crime, should be treated with caution.


Email: Jan Young

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