Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland - 2013/14 and 2014/15

This Official Statistics publication presents statistics on incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police in Scotland in 2013-14 and 2014-15.

Annex 6: Users of the Statistics

6.41. These statistics are used by a large number of stakeholders within central government, the police and other public bodies for a variety of purposes.

6.42. Domestic abuse statistics are also used by a variety of external stakeholders, including:

  • Victim support groups
  • National and local journalism;
  • Academic research; and
  • Students and school pupils writing dissertations and carrying out projects.

6.43. Official Statistics are a tool used in decision making both inside and outside government, and for this tool to be effective it must be designed to meet the needs of users. Comments on the uses you have made of these statistics and any suggestions for their improvement are always welcomed and should be sent to


Email: Alan Sloan

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