
Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland - 2017/18

Characteristics of victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse incidents recorded by the police in Scotland.

Table 8: Incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police, by age and gender of victim, Scotland, 2017-18

3, 4, 5

Number & Rate per 10,000 population 3
Age Group of Victim (where known) Gender of victim Rate per 10,000 population3 All Victims
Female Male Not recorded or other4 Total Female Male
Under 16 225 18 - 243 5 0 3
16-18 1,937 181 - 2,118 225 20 120
19-21 3,870 482 - 4,352 381 47 212
22-25 6,365 1,004 3 7,372 417 67 243
26-30 8,425 1,552 10 9,987 455 85 272
31-35 7,192 1,506 1 8,699 401 88 248
36-40 5,766 1,342 - 7,108 353 85 221
41-50 7,094 2,108 2 9,204 185 58 123
51-60 2,596 1,044 1 3,641 66 28 48
61 and over 767 391 1 1,159 11 7 9
Not Recorded 28 6 5,624 5,658 - - -
All Victims 44,265 9,634 5,642 59,541 159 37 110

Please see Notes for Tables at end of Chapter 5.


Email: Mark Bell

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