
Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland - 2017/18

Characteristics of victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse incidents recorded by the police in Scotland.

Table 9: Incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police, by age and gender of accused, Scotland, 2017-18

3, 4, 5

Number & Rate per 10,000 population3
Gender of Accused Rate per 10,000 population3 All Accused
Age Group of Accused (where known) Female Male Not recorded or other4 Total Female Male
Under 16 17 99 - 116 * 2 1
16-18 317 909 1 1,227 37 100 69
19-21 717 2,378 2 3,097 71 230 151
22-25 1,046 4,943 3 5,992 69 327 197
26-30 1,467 7,579 5 9,051 79 415 246
31-35 1,399 6,980 1 8,380 78 408 239
36-40 1,189 5,687 2 6,878 73 359 214
41-50 1,592 7,709 5 9,306 41 213 125
51-60 641 3,205 - 3,846 16 86 50
61 and over 137 1,053 1 1,191 2 19 10
All Accused 8,579 40,728 10,234 59,541 31 155 110

Please see Notes for Tables at end of Chapter 5.


Email: Mark Bell

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