
Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland - 2017/18

Characteristics of victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse incidents recorded by the police in Scotland.

Table 2: Crimes and offences recorded by the police as part of incidents of domestic abuse (where a crime or offence has been included), Scotland, 2017-18


Number & percentage
Number Percentage
Non-sexual Crimes of Violence 700 2%
Homicide 9 0%
Attempted murder & serious assault 467 1%
Robbery 93 0%
Other violence 131 0%
Sexual Offences 1,001 3%
Rape and attempted rape 454 1%
Sexual assault 266 1%
Other sexual offences 281 1%
Dishonesty 1,180 3%
Housebreaking 66 0%
Theft by opening lockfast places 12 0%
Theft of motor vehicle 120 0%
Other theft 863 3%
Fraud 117 0%
Other dishonesty 2 0%
Fire-raising, vandalism etc. 2,237 7%
Fire raising 20 0%
Vandalism, etc. 2,217 7%
Other Crimes 3,717 11%
Crimes against public justice 3,646 11%
Handling offensive weapons 52 0%
Other 19 0%
Miscellaneous offences 25,048 74%
Common assault 12,572 37%
Breach of the peace etc. 10,517 31%
Drunkenness & other disorderly conduct 4 0%
Other misc. offences 1,955 6%
Motor Vehicles Offences 110 0%
Total 33,993 100%

Please see Notes for Tables at end of Chapter 5.


Email: Mark Bell

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