
Domestic abuse: statistics recorded by the police in Scotland - 2018/19

Characteristics of victims and perpetrators of domestic abuse incidents recorded by the police in Scotland for 2018 to 2019.

Table 9: Incidents of domestic abuse recorded by the police, by age and gender of accused, Scotland, 2018-19

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  Number & Rate per 10,000 population
 Gender of Accused  Rate per 10,000 population 3
Age Group of Accused (where known) Female Male Not recorded or other 4  Total Female Male All Accused
Under 16 24 119  - 143 1 3 2
16-18 320 911 1 1,232 39 106 74
19-21 646 2,167 2 2,815 66 214 141
22-25 1,076 4,605 1 5,682 75 317 197
26-30 1,452 7,498 4 8,954 76 393 234
31-35 1,362 7,389 5 8,756 75 422 246
36-40 1,111 5,997 1 7,109 64 360 209
41-50 1,522 7,184  - 8,706 42 209 123
51-60 634 3,433 7 4,074 16 90 52
61 and over 156 1,011  - 1,167 2 17 9
All Accused 8,374 40,517 11,750 60,641 30 153 112

Please see Notes for Tables



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