
Domestic Homicide Review Taskforce questionnaire: results summary

This paper provides a summary of the results of an online questionnaire issued to the Domestic Homicide Review Taskforce in December 2022.


Taskforce members were asked to provide any additional information or evidence that they would find helpful to consider in order to develop a Scottish DHR model. Responses included:

  • The role of different agencies (social work department, police, GP's, the prison service etc.)
  • The trauma impact on those involved in reviews, to ensure the process is robust and safe for all.
  • MARAC data – providing insight into referring agencies, as well as the victim, person causing harm and associated children.

One respondent mentioned that what additional information is needed "may have to emerge following a journey of consideration of what is currently available".

Several respondents also signposted to examples of good practice/evidence that might inform the DHR process:

  • Significant Critical Incident processes
  • MARAC model
  • Mental Welfare Commission model for independent reviews of care and treatment prior to Mental Health Homicides: The Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland Proposals for the Investigation of Mental Health Homicides - Final report to the Scottish Government
  • National Protocol for the Police Service of Scotland, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, and Child Protection Committees on Learning Reviews: Annex 2: National Protocol for the Police Service of Scotland, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, and Child Protection Committees on Learning Reviews. - National guidance for child protection committees undertaking learning reviews - (Scottish Government website)
  • Child Protection Learning Reviews: All deaths of children and young people in Scotland to be reviewed to help reduce avoidable deaths. (Healthcare Improvement Scotland website)
  • International DHR processes. DHRs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Some good examples in New Zealand, Norway, US and Canada.



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