Domestic Homicide Review Taskforce questionnaire: results summary

This paper provides a summary of the results of an online questionnaire issued to the Domestic Homicide Review Taskforce in December 2022.

Annex 1

The Questionnaire

A link to the questionnaire was sent to Taskforce members by email who completed it anonymously online.

1. Which sector do you work in?

Third sector
Public Sector
Prefer not to answer

Purpose of a DHR

2. What do you think the purpose of a DHR should be? Add any comment on the outcomes you expect the DHR to reach

Scope of the DHR

3. What should be captured by a DHR? Tick all that apply

Intimate partner homicide
Homicide by family members
Homicide - Suicides (where the perpetrator commits suicide after committing murder)
Suicides (as a result of domestic violence)
Deaths of bystanders (for example when a police officer or professional has intervened)
Near deaths

4. Of the options you selected in question 3, should all be included from the start of implementation of the DHR, or could some be added at a later stage?

Case selection

5. Considering case selection:

All cases should be reviewed with the same level of in-depth scrutiny
A smaller number of cases should be selected for in-depth review

6. Add any comments you wish to make on case selection

Review Panel

7. Considering the review panel, should there be an independent chair?

I don't know

8. Considering the review panel, should there be a rotating chair?

I don't know

9. The DHR should include:

One review panel (at a national level)
Multiple review panels (at a local level)
I don't know

10. The review panel should be:

Ad hoc
I don't know

11. Please provide any other thoughts you have about what's needed in relation to the review panel

Process of conducting a review

12. Please provide your thoughts on involving families and friends in the DHR process

13. Please provide your thoughts on how best to ensure the co-operation and participation of agencies in the DHR process


14. How should cases be reported on?

Publish a full report of each case
Publish an executive summary with recommendations of each case
Produce an annual report to provide an overview of cases;

15. To whom should the outcome of DHRs be reported?

16. Where should the DHR reports be held?

17. How can we ensure that recommendations are followed up and lessons are learned?


18. Should the DHR process be underpinned by legislation?

I don't know

19. What, if any, additional information or evidence would it be helpful to consider when developing the DHR model for Scotland?

20. Please signpost to examples of good practice and evidence which might inform the DHR process



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