
Domestic homicide reviews: consultation analysis

We undertook a period of consultation and targeted engagement to inform the development of a Domestic Homicide Review model for Scotland. Those with lived experience of domestic abuse and those working in the field shared their views on fundamental aspects of the model.


The Scottish Government would like to extend its sincere thanks and appreciation to all the individuals who participated in the consultation. The insights, perspectives, and thoughtful responses received have been instrumental in shaping the next steps in the development of Scotland’s national Domestic Homicide Review model.

We would like to thank those with lived experience of domestic abuse and those bereaved by abuse, who took part in this consultation. We recognise how difficult the subject matter is and how upsetting it can be. It was a real privilege to gain your perspectives and hear about your experiences. We would also like to express our gratitude to the professionals working in the field of domestic abuse who dedicated their time and expertise to provide detailed and constructive feedback.

We also want to thank all the organisations that facilitated engagement sessions for their support and commitment to engaging both with professionals and those with lived experience. We are also very grateful to those who provided safeguarding support to participants during and after the engagement sessions. It was a priority for us to ensure the wellbeing of all who participated, and we thank all those who made this possible.

Thank you for your contributions and commitment to this work. Your collective and active involvement has enabled us to gain a greater understanding of the key requirements of a Domestic Homicide Review model for Scotland. Your views will inform the development of the model to ensure that it is robust and fit for purpose within a Scottish context.

Domestic Homicide Review Policy Team

Scottish Government



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