Coronavirus (COVID-19) domestic vaccine certification: business and regulatory impact assessment

Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment considering the impacts for businesses, sectors, and consumers of the domestic Covid Vaccine Certification scheme.

Digital Impact Test

  • Does the measure take account of changing digital technologies and markets?

Yes. How we aim to deliver Certification takes into account that most businesses and customers use technology and prefer digital solutions that smooth processes over more effectively. For example, Research into public attitudes carried out by YouGov for the Scottish Government, on 24-25 August 2021, (n=1,006 people in Scotland) highlighted attitudes towards the benefits and concerns of a certification scheme. Over half of respondents (55%) would download and use a mobile app to prove either vaccination or a negative test result, with just over one in five (23%) saying they would not use such an app.[21] Consequently, without losing sight of the paper-based alternative, we are actively promoting the use of the digital package (the NHS Scotland Covid App and the NHS Scotland Covid Check App) as the most efficient method to operationalise Certification. In the longer term, we see the NHS Scotland Covid App as both an opportunity and a stepping stone that will enable greater digital access to medical data more broadly for Scottish residents.

  • Will the measure be applicable in a digital/online context?

No. Although Certification will be delivered mainly through digital means, it can only apply in physical settings where there is a risk of transmission of the virus. Therefore, the policy will not apply in a digital context.

  • Is there a possibility the measures could be circumvented by digital / online transactions?

No. We do not envisage the policy being circumvented by digital transactions – large events on streaming or any experience of a late night venues with music, alcohol and dancing other than in-person are unlikely to be regarded as comparable substitutes. Therefore, there is no possibility to circumvent the policy digitally.

  • Alternatively, will the measure only be applicable in a digital context and therefore may have an adverse impact on traditional or offline businesses?

No. The policy will not be applicable at all in a digital context, so it will not have an adverse impact on traditional business. As a matter of fact, one of the aims of the policy is to avoid having to close higher risk settings. Therefore, the policy is designed to help, rather than adversely impact, offline businesses.

  • If the measure can be applied in an offline and online environment will this in itself have any adverse impact on incumbent operators?

No. As explained, the policy will not be applied in an online environment. Therefore, we do not envisage any adverse impact on incumbent operators of nightclubs or large events.



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