
Bioenergy - draft policy statement: consultation

We are seeking views on the priorities and principles that we have set out for the use of bioenergy, as well as views on the potential to scale up domestic production of biomass via planting of perennial energy crops.

Annex A – Consultation questions

1. Do you agree with the overarching principles for use of bioenergy, as set out in this document?

2. Do you agree with the priority uses of bioenergy, as set out in this document?

3. Do you agree with the intention to phase out unabated combustion of biomass?

4. Should there be a minimum threshold at which carbon capture should be considered for bioenergy technologies and should refurbishment of plants also be included?

5. From what date should any mandate to consider carbon capture technology be implemented for bioenergy plants?

6. Should decarbonisation options other than fitting carbon capture and storage technology be considered suitable as part of decarbonisation requirements for biomass plants, for example use of waste heat as part of a combined heat and power (CHP) plant or heat network?

7. The Climate Change Committee (CCC) advise that the UK will need 700,000 hectares of perennial energy crops by 2050 to meet their pathway to net zero. How much could Scotland contribute towards this figure and what evidence is available to support your view?

8. What would encourage you to use biomass from domestic perennial energy crops as a feedstock?

9. What are the opportunities or challenges to growing energy crops and what would encourage planting at a commercial scale in Scotland?

10. Can you provide best practice examples which could help integrate energy crops within the landscape and within the agriculture sector?

11. Can you provide best practice examples which could help restore and regenerate biodiversity, alongside energy crops?



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