
Disqualification criteria for councillors - draft: consultation

This consultation on updating disqualification criteria for local authority members asks for the public’s view on whether or not the Scottish Government should prevent anyone on the sexual offenses notification register from being a councillor.

1. Purpose of this consultation

Local authority members (i.e. councillors) take strategic decisions that affect all our lives. They decide how best to use taxpayers’ money and manage local authority resources, including property, land and assets. They also have a leading role to play in building and preserving a society where the rights and freedoms of individuals are respected.

It is vital, therefore, that they have the trust of the communities they serve.

The Scottish Government considers that there should be consequences where the behaviour of councillors, and those seeking to become councillors, falls short of that expected of anyone in a free, inclusive and tolerant society and, has led to enforcement action against an individual.

The proposals in this consultation paper apply to local authorities in Scotland only. They do not apply to local authorities elsewhere in the United Kingdom.



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