
Draft Disability Assistance for Older People (Scotland) Regulations 2024: Draft Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

A draft Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment (BRIA) considering the impact of the draft Disability Assistance for Older People (Scotland) Regulations 2024 on businesses, including the third sector.


In July 2016, the Scottish Government launched a public consultation to support the development of a framework that would become the Social Security (Scotland) Bill. This received more than 200 responses to questions relating to disability benefits with an even split between organisational and individual responses. In particular comments were invited on a partial Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment.

There were 521 formal written responses submitted in total, of which 241 were from organisations and 280 from individual respondents. The 241 organisational responses included stakeholder groups representing human rights, disability, long term conditions and carers. The independent analysis of the responses along with the Scottish Government response were published on 22 February 2017,[9] in addition to the Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment that was published alongside the Social Security (Scotland) Bill.

The Scottish Government has set up Social Security Experience Panels, with over 2,400 people across Scotland registered as panel members when the Panels opened in 2017. The Panels involve people with lived experience of the benefits that the Scottish Government has executive and legal competence for. In July 2019, recruitment to the Experience Panels was reopened. The Scottish Government have been working with relevant stakeholders to specifically identify disabled people from seldom heard groups for further engagement.

The Consultation on Disability Assistance built on the work on the Experience Panels and was published on 5 March 2019. In line with the principles of dignity, fairness and respect, the Scottish Government sought the views of the people of Scotland on the three proposed disability assistance benefits, including Pension Age Disability Payment.[10] The consultation closed on 28 May 2019, having received 263 replies, of which 74 were from stakeholder organisations and 189 from individuals.

The Scottish Government has also undertaken engagement with stakeholders during the development of Pension Age Disability Payment, through the Ill Health and Disability Benefits Stakeholder Reference Group (IHDBSRG) as well as the independent Disability and Carers Benefits Expert Advisory Group (DACBEAG).

DACBEAG was chaired by Dr Jim McCormick and comprised of individuals with significant practical experience of the social security system in the United Kingdom, from a range of professional backgrounds. It was independent of the Scottish Government. The Group’s role was to advise Scottish Ministers on specific policy options for disability assistance and carers benefits due to be delivered by the Scottish Government. On 24 August 2022, the Group shared advice on Pension Age Disability Payment,[11] and Scottish Ministers responded on 1 March 2023.[12]

The views of people with lived experience have been captured through a range of ongoing user research and specific stakeholder engagement activities since 2022. This engagement has provided stakeholders the opportunity to feed into the development of Pension Age Disability Payment, including the Equality Impact Assessment and the drafting of regulations. Such engagement has also provided the Scottish Government with the opportunity to engage specifically with particular groups that would be impacted by the proposed policy.



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