
Education (Scotland) Bill: draft

A draft Bill containing provisions designed to empower schools, improve collaboration, enhance parental involvement and ensure pupil participation.

The Education (Scotland) Bill supports the Scottish Government's mission to improve the education and life chances of children and young people by closing the unacceptable gap in attainment between the least and most disadvantaged children, and to raise attainment for all. It will:

Empower headteachers to be leaders of learning and teaching in their schools and work collaboratively with the education authority and their staff, pupils, parents and other partners so that the decisions that most affect a pupil's experience are taken by those closest to them;

Enhance the educational improvement support and advice that is available to educational practitioners;

Encourage greater parental involvement in education and parental engagement with children's learning; and

Ensure that effective pupil participation is supported in all public schools.

Draft BRIA
Draft EQIA
Draft Explanatory Notes
Draft Financial Memorandum
Draft Policy Memorandum
Draft Education (Scotland) Bill
Draft Fairer Scotland Duty
Draft Privacy Impact Assessment
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