
Draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan

We are consulting on this draft route map of actions we will take to deliver a flourishing net zero energy system that supplies affordable, resilient and clean energy to Scotland’s workers, households, communities and businesses.

Annex H - Related policy documents

This draft Energy Strategy and Just Transition Plan complements wider Scottish Government policies on economic development, trade, communities, circular economy, environment and land use. Key policy documents that feed into this draft include:


Bute House Agreement

The Bute House Agreement is the shared programme agreed to build a greener, fairer, independent Scotland.

National Performance Framework

The National Performance Framework (NPF) is Scotland's wellbeing framework. It sets out an overall vision for Scotland.

Preparing Scotland for a just energy transition

Tackling Fuel Poverty in Scotland Strategy

The Fuel Poverty (Targets, Definition and Strategy) (Scotland) Act 2019 sets out ambitious targets that will be met nationally and in each local authority area. It includes actions to tackle each of the four drivers of fuel poverty: poor energy efficiency of the home; high energy prices; low household income; and how energy is used in the home.

Economic Transformation

The National Strategy for Economic Transformation (NSET) sets out the priorities for Scotland's economy, as well as the actions needed to maximise the opportunities of the next decade to achieve our vision of a wellbeing economy.


The National Plan for Scotland's Islands sets a direction of travel for the Scottish Government and provides a framework for action in order to meaningfully improve outcomes for island communities.

Local and Community Energy

The Local Energy Policy Statement sets out the key principles and associated outcomes that we wish to see adopted to ensure an inclusive energy transition with people at its centre.

Good practice principles for community benefit from onshore wind

The Community benefits from onshore renewable energy developments sets out guidance on good practice principles for communities, businesses, local authorities and others on onshore wind developments.

Good practice principles for community benefit from offshore wind

The Scottish Government good practice principles for community benefits from offshore renewable energy developments provides Guidance on good practice principles for communities, businesses, local authorities and others on offshore renewable developments.

Green Datacentres and Digital Connectivity

Green datacentres and digital connectivity: vision and action plan set out how, through co-ordinated action, we can position Scotland as a leading zero-carbon, cost competitive green data hosting location, contributing towards our ambition of achieving net zero emissions by 2045.


The Environment Strategy creates an overarching framework for Scotland's policies on the environment and climate change. It was placed on a statutory basis by the Continuity Act 2021. Is sets out Scotland's commitment to tackling the climate and nature crises. It recognises that this will rely on transformative economic and social change, but that this can transform Scotland for the better through wider benefits for jobs, businesses, equalities, health, wellbeing etc.


Scotland's export growth plan, A Trading Nation, (2019) set out our ambition to grow the proportion of exports in Scotland's GDP to 25% by 2029. ATN highlights the importance of the energy sector in doing this. We are developing both renewables and hydrogen sector export plans that identify the internationalisation opportunities being created by Scotland's transition to net zero.


In our Vision for Trade (January 2021), which describes the overarching approach to all of SG's trade policy, we set out net zero as one of the five principles governing our trade activities. We committed to ensuring that our trade and investment policies increase progress towards our net zero target. Among a comprehensive list of actions, we set out our commitment to end all Scottish Government overseas trade support and promotion activities solely focused on fossil fuel goods and services by COP26. This was a refocusing of our support, and not a reduction, designed to support businesses transitioning away from solely fossil fuel-related exports.

Inward Investment

Scotland's Inward Investment Plan (2020) sets out how we will attract investment that aligns with Scotland's values, giving inward investment a key role in the creation of a fair, sustainable, inclusive and low carbon future for Scotland. Our clear, evidence based approach mapped Scotland's strengths to global investment flows and identified nine opportunity areas for a new strategic focus, including two under the overarching theme of net zero – Energy Transition and Decarbonisation of Transport. A progress report which sets out what has been delivered since Plan publication, as well as our priorities for the next phase of Plan delivery was published in September 2022.

Blue Economy

A Blue Economy Vision for Scotland sets out our long-term ambition for Scotland's blue economy to 2045. It demonstrates how much we value our marine environment and its significance. This is captured in six outcomes sitting across a range of environmental, social and economic ambitions.


Investing with purpose articulates the important role private capital investment can play in driving an investment-led recovery in Scotland. Our commitment to net zero underpins this plan. Put simply, we should no longer direct public resource into originating, structuring and promoting investments in Scotland that do not support our transition to net zero. By focusing on our priority sectors and employing a net zero and place focus, we will be able to start to build markets instead of individual investment opportunities. Our priority will be to identify opportunities for Scotland to lead the global movement towards investment that is socially and environmentally responsible, identifying and targeting investors who share our values.

Infrastructure Investment

The Infrastructure Investment Plan supports the decarbonisation of industry by helping overcome private sector investment and transition challenges through our: · £180 million Emerging Technologies Fund to support carbon capture and storage, negative emissions technologies and hydrogen development. · £34 million Scottish Industrial Energy Transformation Fund for energy efficiency technologies and decarbonisation studies. · £60 million Energy Transition Fund, focused on the North East, to support businesses in the energy sectors as they grow and diversify, and help attract private sector investment.

Energy supplies


The Bioenergy Update considers the potential role for bioenergy to support our net zero greenhouse emissions targets and outlines how we intend to move forward in order to understand the most appropriate and sustainable use of bioenergy resources in Scotland.


The Hydrogen Policy Statement published in 2020 set out the Scottish Government's vision for Scotland to become a leading nation in the production of reliable, competitive, sustainable hydrogen, securing Scotland's future as a centre of international excellence as we establish the innovation, skills and supply chain to underpin our energy transition.


The Hydrogen Action Plan was published in December 2022 and sets out actions that will be taken over the next five years to support the development of a hydrogen economy to further our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from Scotland 's energy system while ensuring a just transition.

Onshore Wind

The Onshore Wind Policy Statement sets out our ambition to deploy 20 GW of onshore wind by 2030, as well as details on the formation of an onshore wind strategic leadership group, who will develop an onshore wind sector deal.

Offshore Wind

Offshore Wind Policy Statement was published in 2020, setting out Scottish Government's ambitions for the future of offshore wind in Scotland and outlining the context for Marine Scotland's Sectoral Marine Plan for Offshore Wind Energy.

Energy demand

Heat Decarbonisation

The Heat in Buildings Strategy and the Heat in Networks Delivery Plan set out our vision for the future of heat in buildings, and the actions we are taking in the buildings sector to deliver our climate change commitments, maximise economic opportunities, and ensure a just transition, including helping address fuel poverty.


The National Transport Strategy (NTS) sets out the role of transport in delivering the priorities of reducing inequalities and taking climate action, while helping deliver inclusive economic growth and improving health and wellbeing.


A route map to achieve a 20 per cent reduction in car kilometres by 2030.


Our Vision for Agriculture was published in March 2022 and outlines our aim to transform how we support farming and food production in Scotland to become a global leader in sustainable and regenerative agriculture.

Creating the conditions for a net zero energy system

Energy Networks

The Energy Networks Vision looks at the ways in which Scotland's electricity and gas network infrastructure will continue to support the energy transition.

Climate Resilience

Keep Scotland Running takes an 'all risks' approach to critical infrastructure resilience (CIR) through the Scottish Government's Strategic Framework 2020-2023.



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