
Post-school education, research and skills - purpose and principles: equality impact assessment - draft

This draft equality impact assessment (EQIA) forms part of the development of the purpose and principles for post-school education, research and skills. The draft considers protected characteristics and the impact of the purpose and principles.

Stage 3: Assessing the impacts and identifying opportunities to promote equality

Having considered the data and evidence you have gathered, this section requires you to consider the potential impacts – negative and positive – that your policy might have on each of the protected characteristics. It is important to remember the duty is also a positive one – that we must explore whether the policy offers the opportunity to promote equality and/or foster good relations.

Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their age?
Age Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X     The analysis of our evidence suggests that the Purpose and Principles Strategy may particularly positively affect age by ensuring that all people receive access to high quality opportunities through the ecosystem. It may help to advance equality of opportunity, for age by ensuring that education, skills and training received post-school is equitable and supportive and of a high quality. It may also have a positive effect in fostering good relations by ensuring that the ecosystem is trusted, transparent and well governed. As specific future policy decisions are made it is important to ensure that promoting age equality is achieved.
Advancing equality of opportunity X     See above.
Promoting good relations among and between different age groups X     The analysis of our evidence suggests that the Purpose and Principles Strategy may particularly positively affect good relations among and between different age groups by ensuring that all people receive access to high quality opportunities and that they are supported in doing so, regardless of their age as they move through the ecosystem.
Do you think that the policy impacts disabled people?
Disability Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation X     The analysis of our evidence suggests that the Purpose and Principles Strategy and Principle two may particularly positively ensure that people are supported throughout their learning journey and those who need support most receive it. This supports the elimination of unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation. As specific future policy decisions are made it is important to ensure that promoting disability equality is achieved.
Advancing equality of opportunity X     See above.
Promoting good relations among and between disabled and non-disabled people X     If successfully developed and implemented, the Purpose and Principles will ensure that more disabled people are able to participate in ecosystem with access to required support and high quality experiences. Increasing the proportion of disabled people in the ecosystem could enable good relations between disabled and non-disabled learners.
Do you think that the policy impacts on men and women in different ways?
Sex Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X     The analysis of our evidence suggests that the Purpose and Principles Strategy may particularly positively affect the elimination of unlawful discrimination based on sex by ensuring that all people receive access to high quality opportunities through the ecosystem. Ensuring the ecosystem is agile and responsive in addition to supportive and equitable intends to positively impact women and the learning and training that they are able to participate in. Ensuring that they have the right support when needed and access to high quality experiences should support the elimination of the discrimination we know they can face, particularly in relation to pregnancy/maternity/caring responsibilities and occupational segregation.
Advancing equality of opportunity X     See above
Promoting good relations between men and women X     Ensuring that the ecosystem is agile and responsive to ensure everyone collaborates within the ecosystem will support the promotion of good relations between men and women. However, women are more likely to work in the sector than men so any reform that subsequently changes provision may impact on women more than men.
Do you think that the policy impacts on women because of pregnancy and maternity?
Pregnancy and Maternity Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X     The Purpose and Principles may help to advance equality of opportunity for this protected characteristic based on the analysis of our evidence. Ensuring that everyone has the right support is in place when needed and access to high quality opportunities may support the elimination of the discrimination in relation to pregnancy, maternity and caring responsibilities. Future specific policy decisions will consider the impacts on these protected characteristics.
Advancing equality of opportunity X     See above.
Promoting good relations X     Promoting good relations to support the equality of pregnant women or those on maternity will be encouraged through the agile and responsive and supportive and equitable principles of the strategy.
Do you think your policy impacts on people proposing to undergo, undergoing, or who have undergone a process for the purpose of reassigning their sex? (NB: the Equality Act 2010 uses the term 'transsexual people' but 'trans people' is more commonly used)
Gender reassignment Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination     X There is limited specific evidence to suggest that the Purpose and Principles Strategy will have a positive or negative impact on gender reassignment equality as while the Purpose and Principles will clearly set out our ambitions in respect of equality and the elimination of discrimination, insufficient data is available to be clear on direct impacts. As future specific policy decisions are made it is recommended that impact assessments are conducted to assess specific impacts.
Advancing equality of opportunity     X See above.
Promoting good relations     X See above.
Do you think that the policy impacts on people because of their sexual orientation?
Sexual orientation Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X     There is limited specific evidence on sexual orientation. The Purpose and Principles will set out to positively impact on equality through all principles to address existing barriers in the ecosystem and ensure that everyone has access to high quality opportunities and a supportive and equitable ecosystem.
Advancing equality of opportunity X     See above.
Promoting good relations X     The Purpose and Principles will set out to positively impact to promote good relations through all principles to address existing barriers in the ecosystem through positive collaboration.
Do you think the policy impacts on people on the grounds of their race?
Race Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X     The analysis of our evidence suggests that attainment from school may be lower and wages received may be lower. The Purpose and Principles Strategy may particularly positively affect race by aiming to ensure that all people receive access to high quality opportunities in the ecosystem and it is supportive and equitable addressing existing discrimination. It also recognises and will continue to support increased diversity amongst senior ecosystem leaders.
Advancing equality of opportunity X     See above.
Promoting good race relations X     The Purpose and Principles may also have a positive effect in fostering good relations by ensuring that the ecosystem is trusted, transparent and well governed promoting positive representation. As specific future policy decisions are made it is important to ensure that promoting race equality is achieved.
Do you think the policy impacts on people because of their religion or belief?
Religion or belief Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination X     Whilst there is a lack of published data around the protected characteristic of religion in the ecosystem the Purpose and Principles will not discriminate against people based on their religion or belief and specific policy decisions in the future should positively impact on removing barriers to the ecosystem.
Advancing equality of opportunity X     The Purpose and Principles aims to ensure that everyone has access to a supportive and equitable ecosystem and promotes the advancing equality of opportunity.
Promoting good relations X     See above.
Do you think the policy impacts on people because of their marriage or civil partnership?
Marriage and Civil Partnership[73] Positive Negative None Reasons for your decision
Eliminating unlawful discrimination     X Sufficient data on marital status and its intersectionality with other protected characteristics in terms of employment in sector is a data gap and therefore there is insufficient evidence to be clear if the Purpose and Principles will have a positive or negative impact.



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