
Post-school education, research and skills - purpose and principles: equality impact assessment - draft

This draft equality impact assessment (EQIA) forms part of the development of the purpose and principles for post-school education, research and skills. The draft considers protected characteristics and the impact of the purpose and principles.


1. Using intersectionality to understand structural inequality in Scotland: evidence synthesis - (

2. Conclusion: key issues young people in Scotland are facing - The life chances of young people in Scotland: evidence review - (

3. Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 5: 2023 Edition - ( Supplementary Tables

4. Learning disabilities and ethnicity: achieving cultural competence | Advances in Psychiatric Treatment | Cambridge Core

5. Equality and diversity (

6. Higher Education is defined in Scotland as qualifications at SCQF level 7 or above, excluding Advanced Highers Interactive Framework | Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (

7. Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 4: 2022 Edition (

8. College Statistics 2020-21 (

9. Annual Participation Measure | Skills Development Scotland

10. Population Projections | National Records of Scotland (

11. Official statistics | HESA

12. Modern Apprenticeships | Skills Development Scotland See Modern Apprenticeships Supplementary Tables for age breakdowns.

13. College Statistics 2020-21 ( See Table 8 in background tables.

14. Adult learning strategy 2022 to 2027 - (

15. Estranged students in Further (FE) and Higher Education (HE) - experiences: research - (

16. Thriving Learners | Mental Health Foundation

17. Scotland's Labour Market: People, Places and Regions –2020/21

18. Note that various discretionary funds do currently exist.

19. Adult learning strategy 2022 to 2027 - (




23. Chapter 3: School Leaver Destinations - Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 5: 2023 Edition - (

24. Annual Participation Measure | Skills Development Scotland (Tables on equality breakdowns)

25. Report on Widening Access 2020-21 (

26. Bespoke tables from SDS provided for Purpose and Principles.

27. saas-disability-related-student-support-summary-report.pdf

28. Capability Scotland statistics suggest that Scottish students with additional complex needs may travel to England to access tailored FE provision.

29. GDA Connects • Glasgow Disability Alliance


31. Chapter 3: School Leaver Destinations - Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 5: 2023 Edition - (


33. Institutional Gender Action Plan Guidance 2020-23 (


35. Policymakers (

36. Scotland's Gender Equality Index 2020 (

37. HESA statistics

38. SDS data provided for Purpose and Principles

39. A report by EHRC in 2019 noted that "Scotland is the only country where female apprenticeship starts remain lower than males. It is noted in the report that there is a significant "gendered spend" on apprenticeships in Scotland with spend per male apprentice being 53% higher than for female apprentices. This reflects the significant and persistent levels of occupational segregation in the Scottish apprenticeships programme, as well as wider trends in employment, given that in Scotland, apprenticeships are only awarded to those already in employment". In the two largest sectors, Construction and Engineering, 1.6% and 2.1% respectively of apprenticeship starts were female in 2011, while 0.8% of Child Care and 16% of Business and Administration starts were male. Modern Apprenticeships | Equality and Human Rights Commission (

40. College Staffing Data 2020-21 (

41. Changes to Scottish Carer's Assistance - Scottish Carer's Assistance: consultation analysis - (



44. Teenage Pregnancy Report (


46. Every Child, Every Chance: The Tackling Child Poverty Delivery Plan 2018-22: Annex 3 – Equality Impact Assessment (

47. Early learning and childcare expansion - Early education and care - (

48. staexperiencessummary03082-1.pdf (

49. Report on Widening Access 2020-21 ( Background Tables 16

50. Life in Scotland for LGBT Young People, FINAL March 2018.cdr (

51. Mckendry & Lawrence 2017 (

52. Report on Widening Access 2020-21 ( Background Tables 16

53. LGBTQ+ facts and figures | Stonewall

54. The-Scottish-LGBT-Equality-Report.pdf (

55. Life in Scotland for LGBT Young People, FINAL March 2018.cdr (

56. Sexual orientation in Scotland 2017: summary of evidence base - (

57. MHF_Thriving_Learners_Report.pdf (

58. For the purposes of the analysis presented here "White" includes "White - Scottish", "White - Other British", "White - Other". 'White: Other' includes 'Irish', 'Polish', 'Gypsy/Traveller', 'Roma', 'Showman/Showwoman' and 'other white ethnic groups'. 'Minority ethnic groups' includes 'Mixed or multiple ethnic groups', 'Asian, Scottish Asian or British Asian', 'African, Scottish African or British African', 'Caribbean or Black', 'Arab, Scottish Arab or British Arab' or any other ethnic groups.

59. Skill profile of the population | National Performance Framework

60. Chapter 3: School Leaver Destinations - Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 5: 2023 Edition - (

61. Data for 'White' ethnicity is only available for 2021.

62. Annual Participation Measure | Skills Development Scotland (Equality breakdown tables)

63. Supporting documents - Summary Statistics for Attainment and Initial Leaver Destinations, No. 4: 2022 Edition - (

64. Racial harassment in British universities: qualitative research findings (

65. Report on Widening Access 2020-21 (

66. equality-action-plan-2020.pdf (

67. Modern Apprenticeships | Skills Development Scotland

68. Report on Widening Access 2020-21 ( Background Table 16

69. Antisemitism within higher education: roundtable discussion - (

70. Poverty and Income Inequality in Scotland 2017-20 (


72. PDF-Antisemitism-Report-2023.pdf

73. In respect of this protected characteristic, a body subject to the Public Sector Equality Duty (which includes Scottish Government) only needs to comply with the first need of the duty (to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by or under the Equality Act 2010) and only in relation to work. This is because the parts of the Act covering services and public functions, premises, education etc. do not apply to that protected characteristic. Equality impact assessment within the Scottish Government does not require assessment against the protected characteristic of Marriage and Civil Partnership unless the policy or practice relates to work, for example HR policies and practices.

74. See EQIA – Setting the Scene for further information on the legislation.

75. This was set out in SFC's Review of Coherent Provision and Sustainability.




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