Draft Fisheries Assessment – North-East Faroe-Shetland Channel NCMPA: Fisheries management measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

These assessments look at the fishing activity occurring within each offshore MPA and SAC and assess the potential impacts of this activity on the protected features within each site. This assessment is for North-East Faroe-Shetland Channel NCMPA

6. Management options conclusions

Scottish Ministers consider that adopting no additional management for demersal trawls would, or might, hinder achievement of the conservation objectives the North-East Faroe-Shetland Channel NCMPA.

Scottish Ministers consider that both the zoned management measures and the full site exclusion option for demersal mobile and demersal static gear outline above would further the achievement of the conservation objectives of the site. Fishing using pelagic gears is not considered to pose a risk to achieving the conservation objectives, and no additional management is currently required for this activity.

The decision on which management option is to be taken forward will be taken in the light of all relevant duties incumbent upon the Scottish Ministers in relation to the exercise of their functions and following upon a statutory public consultation exercise in which views on the options under consideration are invited.


Email: marine_biodiversity@gov.scot

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