
Draft Fisheries Assessment – Turbot Bank NCMPA: Fisheries management measures within Scottish Offshore Marine Protected Areas (MPAs)

These assessments look at the fishing activity occurring within each offshore MPA and SAC and assess the potential impacts of this activity on the protected features within each site. This assessment is for Turbot Bank NCMPA.

8. References

Brooks, A. J. (2013). Assessing the sensitivity of geodiversity features in Scotland’s seas to pressures associated with human activities. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 590.

Eleftheriou, A., & Robertson, M. (1992). The effects of experimental scallop dredging on the fauna and Physical environment of a shallow sandy community. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 289-299.

JNCC. (2013). Fisheries Management Guidance Offshore Subtidal Sands and Gravels. JNCC.

JNCC. (2014). North-west Orkney Nature Conservation MPA Data Confidence Assessment v5.0. JNCC.

Robson, L. M., Fincham, J., Peckett, F. J., Frost, N., Jackson , C., Carter, A. J., & Matear, L. (2018). UK Marine Pressures-Activities Database “PAD”: Methods Report. JNCC.

Tien, N.S.H., Craeymeersch, J., van Damme, C., Couperus, A.S., Adema, J. and Tulp, I. 2017. Burrow distribution of three sandeel species relates to beam trawl fishing, sediment composition and water velocity, in Dutch coastal waters. Journal of Sea Research 127: 194-202.

Wright, P., Jensen, H., & Tuck, I. (2000). The influence of sediment type on the distribution of the lesser sandeel, Ammodytes marinus. Journal of Sea Research, 243-256.



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